www.gusucode.com > PHPBB轻型PHP论坛 含中文语言包 3.1.2PHP源码程序 > PHPBB轻型PHP论坛 含中文语言包 3.1.2/phpBB3/phpBB3/phpbb/profilefields/type/type_base.php

* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <https://www.phpbb.com>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\profilefields\type;

abstract class type_base implements type_interface
	* Request object
	* @var \phpbb\request\request
	protected $request;

	* Template object
	* @var \phpbb\template\template
	protected $template;

	* User object
	* @var \phpbb\user
	protected $user;

	* Construct
	* @param	\phpbb\request\request		$request	Request object
	* @param	\phpbb\template\template	$template	Template object
	* @param	\phpbb\user					$user		User object
	public function __construct(\phpbb\request\request $request, \phpbb\template\template $template, \phpbb\user $user)
		$this->request = $request;
		$this->template = $template;
		$this->user = $user;

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function get_name()
		return $this->user->lang('FIELD_' . strtoupper($this->get_name_short()));

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function get_service_name()
		return 'profilefields.type.' . $this->get_name_short();

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function get_template_filename()
		return 'profilefields/' . $this->get_name_short() . '.html';

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function get_field_ident($field_data)
		return 'pf_' . $field_data['field_ident'];

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function get_field_name($field_name)
		return isset($this->user->lang[$field_name]) ? $this->user->lang[$field_name] : $field_name;

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function get_profile_contact_value($field_value, $field_data)
		return $this->get_profile_value($field_value, $field_data);

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function get_language_options_input($field_data)
		$field_data['l_lang_name']			= $this->request->variable('l_lang_name', array(0 => ''), true);
		$field_data['l_lang_explain']			= $this->request->variable('l_lang_explain', array(0 => ''), true);
		$field_data['l_lang_default_value']	= $this->request->variable('l_lang_default_value', array(0 => ''), true);
		$field_data['l_lang_options']			= $this->request->variable('l_lang_options', array(0 => ''), true);

		return $field_data;

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function prepare_options_form(&$exclude_options, &$visibility_options)
		return $this->request->variable('lang_options', '', true);

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function validate_options_on_submit($error, $field_data)
		return $error;

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function get_excluded_options($key, $action, $current_value, &$field_data, $step)
		if ($step == 3 && ($field_data[$key] || $action != 'edit') && $key == 'l_lang_options' && is_array($field_data[$key]))
			foreach ($field_data[$key] as $lang_id => $options)
				$field_data[$key][$lang_id] = is_array($options) ? $options : explode("\n", $options);

			return $current_value;

		return $current_value;

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function prepare_hidden_fields($step, $key, $action, &$field_data)
		if (!$this->request->is_set($key))
			// Do not set this variable, we will use the default value
			return null;
		else if ($key == 'field_ident' && isset($field_data[$key]))
			return $field_data[$key];
			$default_value = '';
			$lang_fields = array(

			if (in_array($key, $lang_fields))
				$default_value = array(0 => '');
			return $this->request->variable($key, $default_value, true);

	* {@inheritDoc}
	public function display_options(&$template_vars, &$field_data)

	* Return templated value/field. Possible values for $mode are:
	* change == user is able to set/enter profile values; preview == just show the value
	public function process_field_row($mode, $profile_row)
		$preview_options = ($mode == 'preview') ? $profile_row['lang_options'] : false;

		// set template filename
			'cp_body'		=> $this->get_template_filename(),

		// empty previously filled blockvars

		// Assign template variables
		$this->generate_field($profile_row, $preview_options);

		return $this->template->assign_display('cp_body');